The client was charged with misdemeanor domestic violence. It was alleged that the client and a now-estranged spouse got into an argument over the garage door remote. It was alleged that the client chased their spouse upstairs and attacked the alleged victim at the top of the stairs to get the garage door opener.

This came at the tail-end of a 20-plus-year relationship, and the client had already been sleeping on the couch and things had been going poorly for years. The client has an adult daughter and a teenage daughter in high school and both of the children are at the point where they’re estranged from the alleged victim. Inside of this domestic “pressure cooker” situation, it was likely that the alleged victim was going to eventually call the police on our client someday, and this interaction proved to be the breaking point.

Krizman Law put together a mitigation plan and essentially said to the prosecutors: “Hey, we understand that this is what you think happened, but we think you’re really going to have trouble proving the case.” We said it would be wise to dismiss the charges. But if they wouldn’t do that, we suggested a “deferred judgment,” in which the client’s record would be cleared if they had no further violations.

But the prosecution dug in their heels. They believed every word the alleged victim said, including accusations that were off-the-wall and clearly untrue. So what went from a simple resolution or a dismissal case quickly evolved into a trial.

We secured a “not guilty” verdict on two of the three charges. The jury was hung on a third charge related to the question: “Did the client contact the alleged victim without consent?” Krizman Law was not content with simply saying to our client, “Well, we won two of three charges, and we’ll go to trial again on the third charge.” Instead, after the trial, we subpoenaed the alleged victim’s phone records that proved that the alleged victim had lied on the stand. We brought this to the prosecutor’s attention, and they dismissed the remaining charge.

Krizman Law is focused on providing a relentless criminal defense, we will attack the allegations like a dog on a bone. We will go above and beyond in ensuring that even when a District Attorney’s office fumbles the ball and tries to recover, we are going to jump right back on top of them and not give them an inch.

Krizman Law is known for its relentless pursuit of justice for clients. That means thoughtfully listening to the client's story, diligently investigating the circumstances and the law, and aggressively advocating for the client in front of prosecutors, judges, and juries. If you're looking for a lawyer to fight on your behalf, consider these other Krizman Law success stories or call us at 720-819-7317‬.

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Case ResultsCriminal Mischief, Third Degree Assault – Not Guilty at Trial