Driving on a Suspended License

Driving with a suspended license in Colorado is illegal and is often charged on the misdemeanor or felony level. Punishments include hefty fines and large jail sentences in the most extreme cases.

The severity of a charge is almost always determined from what the original conviction that led to the license suspension was.

The different ways for your license to be suspended are broken down into different categories and can result from any of the following:

  • Excess points on your driving record
  • Refusing chemical tests during a DUI or traffic stop
  • Testing over the legal limit during a DUI or traffic stop
  • Criminal conviction of a DUI
  • Conviction for serious traffic violations
  • Failure to pay a traffic ticket
  • Or, failure to pay court-ordered child support

Before you can be convicted with driving on a suspended license, the driver must have knowledge of the suspension. If the prosecution is unable to prove that the driver had knowledge of the suspension, then you could have a much stronger defense if your case goes to trial.

If you have been arrested and charged with driving on a suspended license, you need to contact a successful attorney to understand all the possible defenses in your case. It is critical that you have an experienced and relentless criminal defense attorney on your side for your driving on a suspended license case. Call Krizman Law today at 303-529-2677.

Need Legal Representation?

If you've been charged with a crime, it is imperative that you get fair and honest legal representation as soon as possible. Krizman Law specializes in providing relentless criminal defense for our clients. Contact us today for a review of your case. Call 720.819.7317 or fill out our online form.

DUI & DWAIDriving on a Suspended License