
No matter how serious the allegation, Krizman Law handles all levels of theft charges: municipal theft, misdemeanor theft, felony theft, burglary, robbery, motor vehicle theft, and motor vehicle trespass.

In Colorado, Robbery is classified based upon whether a deadly weapon was used or threatened, and whether the object of the robbery was a controlled substance.

Simple robbery is a class 4 felony and is punishable by up to 6 years in prison and a fine up to $500,000. If the robbery involves the use or threatened use of a deadly weapon, the person commits aggravated robbery which has a possible prison sentence of 32 years. If the object of the robbery was a controlled substance, that sentence could be increased to 48 years.

It is critical that you have an experienced and relentless robbery defense attorney on your side. Call Krizman Law today at 303-529-2677.

Need Legal Representation?

If you've been charged with a crime, it is imperative that you get fair and honest legal representation as soon as possible. Krizman Law specializes in providing relentless criminal defense for our clients. Contact us today for a review of your case. Call 720.819.7317 or fill out our online form.

Theft CrimesRobbery