Early investigation of CBI lab is probably just tip of the iceberg

DENVER – March 8, 2024 – DNA evidence manipulation by a Colorado Bureau of Investigation analyst likely affects many more than the 652 tainted cases revealed today by an independent investigation. Colorado criminal defense attorneys expect impacts on cases that didn’t go to trial, but instead resulted in plea deals. And they are researching ways to win just reparation for defendants who were affected.

“It’s appalling but not necessarily surprising,” said Casey Krizman, founder of a criminal defense firm in Denver. “The investigation so far reveals extensive shading of the evidence handled by one analyst at CBI. But the whole affair shines a light on a system that places unwarranted confidence in prosecution experts.”

The CBI found mistakes in the work by analyst Yvonne “Missy” Woods last November and the Kansas Bureau of Investigation was called in to perform an independent investigation. A preliminary report found that Woods intentionally altered DNA test results. The investigation continues and may impact cases Woods handled as far back as 1994.

“In addition to the high-profile cases that went to trial, there were thousands more that ended in plea bargains that might have been tainted,” Krizman said. He said anyone who believes DNA evidence might have been improperly used in their case should contact their defense attorney.

“This goes beyond one analyst for specific cases. It undermines the credibility of CBI’s handling of evidence in all cases,” Krizman said. “I hope the public becomes aware of the ways in which the system disadvantages defendants. Vastly more resources are poured into the prosecution side of a case and there is an undeserved presumption of independence and expertise of the state’s investigators.

“One analyst was caught omitting information and tampering with DNA results. It’s fair to ask: How often is that happening at the CBI? How often does it happen at the police investigation level?”

Krizman Law is known for its relentless pursuit of justice for clients. That means thoughtfully listening to the client's story, diligently investigating the circumstances and the law, and aggressively advocating for the client in front of prosecutors, judges, and juries. If you're looking for a lawyer to fight on your behalf, consider these other Krizman Law success stories or call us at 720-819-7317‬.

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